

Pizza Bread

There are those nights when I’m too tired to cook, but I don’t want to simply pop a frozen entrée in the microwave…you know what I mean? So I’ve discovered a few simple dishes that require little preparation but still taste like hearty, home cooked meals.

One of my favorites is pizza bread. Growing up, my family hosted homemade pizza night once a week. I have fond memories of standing in the kitchen with my parents, rolling out the dough, covering it in delicious red sauce, and piling on chopped toppings like olives and mushrooms. My sister and I would help my mom grate blocks of cheese and slice pepperoni into silly shapes. I remember standing in awe as we watched our hard work become a warm, puffed-up, gooey pizza. So much better than Round Table or Domino’s. We’d all sit around the table and enjoy our creation while laughing and talking about our days. Making pizza bread reminds me of those warm evenings with my family.

It’s really easy to make – just top your favorite bread with pasta sauce and any veggies or meat you have on hand (add cheese is desired). Depending on the amount of time I have, I either toast my bread first or broil it at the end for a nice finish. I’ve been using bread from Julian Bakery. It toasts well and has a lot of protein, since garbanzo flour is one of the main ingredients.

Get creative! Try feta cheese with spinach and caramelized onions, or go for pesto sauce with sautéed mushrooms and sliced zucchini. I look forward to hearing about your favorite topping combinations!

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