I'm excited to tell you about a new promotion from the ever popular company, Uber. Not familiar with it? Uber connects riders to drivers through their specialized apps. With a global presence in over 70 cities, the company aims to make places more accessible and "[open] up more possibilities for riders and more
business for drivers."
Now for the good part...
UberX is holding a competition for specific colleges in Boston, DC, and Atlanta from now until Tuesday, February 11. One lucky school will win a FREE
week of uberX – for everyone!
The winning school must reach 1,500 new sign ups
using your school’s unique promo code. Every new user will receive $20 off
their first Uber ride! Already have Uber? Great! the more you
share the opportunity with all your friends on campus, the closer you get to
winning a free week of uberX!
If you go to one of the schools listed below, your specific promo code is valid for a free ride up to $20! (new users only)
So Here's How to win
Download the free Uber app on your smartphone.
2. Sign up using your school’s unique promo code (see below for your
specific school!)
3. Receive $20 off your first Uber ride.
Tell all your friends to do the
Win a FREE week of uberX for
everyone on campus!
Unique Promo Codes for Each School:
Boston College: BosUberXtraCredit2
Boston University: BOSUberXtraCredit1
Harvard University: BOSUberXtraCredit4
Northeastern University: BOSUberXtraCredit3
Emory: uberXtracreditATL2
American: DCUberXtraCredit1
George Washington University: DCUberXtraCredit2
Georgetown: DCUberXtraCredit3
Good luck everyone, and happy riding!
Very good, Dani.